Personality Collusion: From An Extrovert to An Introvert

Hussein Baashen
6 min readApr 29, 2021

We all know that since Covid-19 started we were all spooked, stressed and segregated from everything we love the most and all this started 31 December 2019 where the first infected person who reported to the hospital in Wuhan, China.

But this is all public information, what is not a public information is what most of us feel being stuck at home?

I usually think about how it would affect others but not myself. So I am going to give my experience throughout Covid-19 until the present day. We started the year 2020 like anyone else full of goals, expectations and inspiration of whats to come.

You know, I was a very active person and a 1000% extrovert. I usually back home when I need to sleep, I go to work after work meet up with some friends then chill together then be back home to sleep. That was my schedule daily on the weekdays, but weekends I usually take it up a notch. We add some morning activities with group of friends from university or work.

What I am saying before Covid-19 hit Malaysia I was about 90% out and 10% in the house. It was a nice routine for someone like me. But then everything changed, Covid-19 hit every part of the world and people started panicking with their over the top buying of products from supermarkets and etc.

For introverts, six weeks of social distancing at home might sound like a dream come true. For extroverts, though, it has been a nightmare.” As stated in Rochester Center for Behavorial Medicine

Because most countries issue their first full country lockdown around mid of March 2020. In Malaysia, we usually get an updates from the PM on what is currently happening and what are the next steps.

We continued doing that but put in mind that a lot of us, don’t just sit there do nothing. Most companies also started implementing WFH “Work From Home”.

Which was for me a disaster because with the production and succession rate that most companies are having, it was certain that we would stay longer that expected at home. Since Covid-19, I started getting a bit anxious of going outside. It is not because I am scared of getting Covid-19 but I can be exposed to it because I have responsibilities to uphold.

Which then became a concept, so I started instead of buying food deliveries I learned how to cook recently. Currently I started buying canned foods and learn how to cook.

So then, it started as normal thing not to go out a lot because I notice that people go out after the lockdown is lifted but when I am asked by my friends to hangout I usually have an excuse not to go out of the house.

These are signs of being Introvert, while Covid-19 is dangerous and all but governments and medical specialists all provided ways on how to be safe when going out, but you still find a reason to not go out is a big sign.

I started now liking to stay home more than to go out, I prefer to be in my safe place or in another words my comfort zone where I was stuck for the last 13 months. I currently am still working from home since mid of March 2020, which had its goods and bads.

People change easily due to circumstances that they are put in like Covid-19, not a lot of people expected it to be this dangerous or this deadly. So the more we hear about it the scarier and the more introvert you get.

Its like survival of the fittest, what matters to one self is to survive by hook or crook. So to survive is to eliminate not only on what is to come but also to eliminate it’s possiblility to ever occur.

Personality traits aren’t as set in stone as you might think. If you’ve noticed a shift in yourself, it’s probably because you’re actually changing. It’s not totally unheard of to become more of an introvert after years and years of thinking of yourself as generally outgoing. Your friends might be the first to notice.

You know its not simple to write such things about myself because I am still trying to deny the fact I turned to a person who I do not really like to be.

It is not that I have anything against introverts but I just am trying to be one myself. I usually put myself out there to get that feeling of “I am still an extrovert” eventhough its against my own self will.

But I am still in denial of being called an introvert, I think I am somewhat a mixture of both due to Covid-19 because of such circumstances it changed me to having a personality collusion.

It is not something you see, or as they say its not something people can notice it on you but its something you feel. Such collusion can cause a person deppression, anxiety and out of nowhere anger laps.

To feel better in such circumstances a person must first start expressing themselves to those who they are close too such as:

  1. My Parents
  2. My Close Friends
  3. Relatives who have the same experience yet different surrounding

But who you got to support you is important.

It can’t be a random person, it should be someone you know and they know you. Personality collusion as such is not something that can be gone in an instance, but it takes time.

Final steps of success or in another words personal goal is to reach self satisfaction where you as a person accept who you are. Introverts or extroverts it does not really matter, in the end for those who you matter the most is that you are perfect the way you want to be.

Just remember such change occur due to a very particular circumstances, who knows what might happen after such thing occurred is done and we are back to normal life.

You might be back to your normal self or even be satisfied with your current self.

Change is not bad, change is good for those who like the change that occurred.

As we know life is never black and white, there are always ways to go in between. I accept the change that occurred to me because I am still in an age group that are still trying to figure ourselves out.

Support, self satisfaction and acceptance of change are your steps as they are mine to be able to continue living our fullest with open both hands wide and a clear thoughts of where it is going to lead.

Hopefully you guys liked what you read, agreeing or disagreeing with my opinion is not an issue with me, I would love to debate on it too. By the way, this is a new area of my writing hopefully you like my experiences and mistakes and learn from them.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years. Peace, Love and Laugh Out Loud.

